due to some disgusting biology practical, that i'll only take once in my lifetime, i screwed it, i cried all the way home. i was so disgusted with myself, this was my very first paper and i made every single mistake you can think of. in one word, it was horrible. thank you daddy for every single encouragement you sent along the way, i place that paper in your big arms and im moving on. :)
thursday and friday night were horrible, sleepless nights. okay at least friday was better. thursday night, i went to bed at 12 am. i was so so so tired after chionging two amaths papers and i wanted to enter lalaland immediately. i tossed and turned, rolled and rolled until 130 am. for some reason, i couldnt sleep! friday night dad prayed for me i super long prayer until i fell asleep. yesterday after worship, deaconess karen said daddy wants those who have not been sleeping well to know you will have a good rest that night. i was so tempted to scream amen! praise jesus for his goodness. i slept like a log last night, it didnt take me more than 5min to fall asleep! my daddy is so good to me. He cares about even the smallest little thing! :)
i think im the slackest o level student, everyone should be mugging like crazy now and im blogging. i just know daddy he'll see me through. those results dont determine my future, my future is well secured in his BIG hands! i only have this few weeks and after that i cant do my fys/tys-es anymore! so why not treasure the time i have left with my beloved secondary school books?
to a blessed week of studying! jesus loves you!
i never dream i'd say this, but im going to miss you guys so so much!! my goodness. i havent had so much fun in weeks! with all that mugging.. i really enjoyed myself today. :) today's probably the last time we'll be together as a whole class in our classroom.. thank you for leaving wonderful memories for me. :) really looking forward to all the outings together!
till then, all the best for big Os guys! like caho counted, 3 weeks and 6 days left to the end! all the best everyone! :))
today was.. bad.
sorry Daddy. sorry for questioning you and doubting that you are wanting to go through what im going through. thank you for showing me you care about all the nitty gritties of my life and that you love me more than anything.. i'd be lying if i say i didnt care if you were there, because you matter, your opinion of me is more impt than anyone elses. sorry for belittle-ing you. and thank you, for not holding any of my nonsence against me. thank you thank you dear Father for always holding my hand. dont let go..
i feel like crying. i feel so small. so tired..
people are wierd. when you ask them what they are doing, or why they are doing something, you get the reply: NOTHING. how can you be doing nothing? it's just wrong..
i seriously miss choir LOADS. it's like something missing. and isabel's complaining choir's getting boring. well apparently her eoys are over so she everyday walk here walk there disturbing everyone else. well my 'freedom' date's in one month! actually im already free from this 'stressful' period everyone's going through. my jesus has conquered the Os. i am more than victorious! He has fought my battles. i fight FROM victory! :)
i just feel like making noise. lots and lots of noise...
blessed and rested week everyone! :)

saturday september 23: lunch at newyork newyork! =)

look at the food! definitely six satisfied babes.

our room view!

while checking out the bathroom! haha.

while shopping... at some 'mirror' outside marina square.. guess who?? hee hee.

the culprit that stole amanda's and alene's voices away!
sweet popcorn anytime!! courtesy of ethel!

some snapshot char took on sunday morning!
she certainly has the basic photography skills!
alrighty! no more decent photos! hahahahaha! oh still have 4c seoul garden photos. aiya. another time can? haha sorry guys. oh oh oh oh oh!! i have something to announce! ive beat my own score! minesweeper record.. 9 seconds! muahahaha. yes yingen i know you did it in 1 sec..
today i kinda wasted half a day in school. literally doing nothing. why did i decide to go school today? anyway i met jess at the bus stop while going home and talked to her a little. oh yes. i just found out today that zheng laoshi actually stays in aquarius! i seriously think im highly lagging. she taught me for one year and only now i realise she stays in the same estate as me. goodness! i sorta freaked out.
i shall not go school tomorrow. school's a waste of time. lalala! back to my five-year series now..
my nose is still running, it has been since last weekend! actually it was a bad sorethroat first, the sorethroat left, praise jesus, and then the mucus took over. i can hardly breathe. clogged up nose. *coughs* my voice was so 'sexy' the last few days i wanted to laugh at myself. that day i was talking to my mummy and walking, talk talk walk walk then i banged the wall. OUCH. haha that was random. anyways, there's DARE this saturday! hurray hurray! arent you excited! =))) YAY YAY! haha pardon me for my high-ness. YAY!
i was thinking of things to do after o levels end. haha i've go some plans in my head already! i know it's not the right time to be thinking about these stuff now but im treating it as one of my motivations! haha.. well i shall blog about it soon! =) in the meantime.. continue resting in His love beloveds! =)
"my soul finds rest, in you my Jesus..
my hiding place, amid the storm.."
walking home today carrying a huge pile of books (thank you yingen for helping me carry half!) well had to clear lockers by friday so apple figured it would save me two days of 'agony' if i just carry the whole big stack home one shot. well and with that big pile of books in my arms, i started to think again. nostalgia i guess.. and lots of appreciation. seriously. start appreciating people around you NOW. no matter how irritating or pesky you think they are..we meet different people as we carry on with our journey in this life. i am so thankful for single everyone i know, thank you, for just leaving a segment of your life to bless portions of mine. no matter where we go or who we'll meet, im just so excited that you have made a difference in my life. i dont have the luxury of time to mention names, so to whoever actually cared to read till this part, you're definitely highly appreciated by yours truely! love you loads! =)
(ahahaa that's why i always say the best is at the end. =))
next few weeks are definitely going to be 'siong' weeks for me, do keep me in your prayers alrighty? i just know everything's gonna be alright. blessed remaining of the week! =)
"imagine me without you,
i'd be lost and so confused..
i wouldn't last a day, i'd be afraid,
without you there to see me through..."